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Find out the postal code for your area



Find out the postal code for your area

Knowing the postal code of your area is essential to know the postal code of your area to communicate with all people from all countries and regions as many people want to send some items or messages through Egypt Post.

Therefore, in order to quickly and easily achieve these purposes, it is necessary to know this postal code, and through this article we will remind you of ways to determine the postal code.

About Egyptian Post

The Egyptian Bar Association was established in 1856 AD and is now considered one of the most important, best and most prestigious institutions in Egypt. This institution has provided many ancient services, the most important of which are:

The beginning of the establishment of the Egyptian Post Office and the presence of more than 3,700 post offices in all governorates of the Arab Republic of Egypt.
The postal service is one of the most prominent services of the institution: postal service, parcels and express mail.
This service also includes all general postal services and express shipping.
It is necessary to know the codes of the Nile Express service and of course these postal services.

Financial Services: Among the most prominent of these services are the current account service and the savings book.
Also service postal agencies and prepaid card services.
And postal orders, of course, for this service you need to know the postal code of your area.
Government services: the most prominent of these services are the family card, cash payment service, sales forms, cash and support cards.
Pay taxes and many other important services for the Egyptian people.
See also: Egypt Post inquiries

What is the zip code?

A postal code is a combination of numbers and letters, and these codes are associated with the postal address of your area.

This code is used to facilitate the process of dividing the geographical locations of the governorates and to easily access the areas to which the services will be linked.

This zip code is also used on social networking sites on the internet to complete the registration process, especially if you contact someone from outside the country.

Of course, each region has its own postal code and differs from other regions, and it should be noted that the method of learning the postal code of your region is a fixed method and what we will learn more in the following lines. clear paths.

How is a zip divided?

The Egyptian Postal Authority relies on the administrative divisions to subdivide the postal code.

However, this requirement is not required for all regions.

Segmentation may be based on area-specific geographic information such as population distribution and urban density, as well as the area’s topography.

It is said that there are areas that are uncrowded and have low urban density.

The zip code will be in large and remote areas, but only in the case of areas with large populations and urban density.

This area is divided into small areas and each area will have its own zip code.

How do you find the postal code for your area?

Since this code is available on many different sites, there are many ways to easily find the postal code for your area, and the most obvious ways to find the postal code are:

You can now find out the postal code for your area by visiting one of the following sites: Wikipedia.
whatismyzip, geocodes, map developers and geographical names.
It is also possible to know the postal code of your area and find it in the easiest way.
This is done by searching the official website of Egypt Post, which offers many services.
One of these services is Find Your Zip: You can now specify your zip code simply by activating your location on the device.
Through this website you will find the zip code.
You can also easily get information about the site.

Mail tracking service This service is one of the premium services as it saves a lot of time and effort on the user.
The customer does not need to go to one of the Egyptian post offices to check the arrival of the shipped goods and parcels.
Alternatively, the customer can track the shipment through the official website of Egypt Post.
With the postal tracking service using parcel data.

What is the postal code for Egypt?

As we have already told you, the postal code of Egypt is determined by each region.

It is divided by administrative divisions, but all postal codes for Egypt are divided into five numbers.

In the first box on the left, this icon indicates the mail field.

The second number indicates the division of the smallest regions called provinces.

The third box represents the type of service provided, and the fourth and fifth boxes indicate the recipient’s mail center and recipient area.

Read also: Services provided by Egypt Post have been completed

Places that can only be reached by postal code
Of course there are many places that can be accessed or maintained without a zip code, the most prominent of which are the following:

Banks and electronic payment cards: Now when registering at any banking site.
First you need to specify the zip code number.
The serial number of the county or district, the same is done with a payment card.
Online Shopping Sites: User cannot make any purchases or purchases without using zip code.
This is because the seller knows the location from which the goods are sent through this number.
For this reason and to ensure that it reaches the right place, the most prominent of these sites are Amazon, Jumia and other similar sites.

Google Services Sites: The Services and Google Sites may also be used simply by using a postal code to identify the user’s location and domain.
One of the most famous of these sites is Google Adsense.
This service will never accept any account without correctly typing the area zip code.
Shipping companies and parcel shipping sites: One of the most prominent of these companies is Aramex Shipping.
It requires the use of the zip code at these locations to determine the region to which the parcel will be sent.
To deliver the parcel to the required area and location.
Smartphones: Smartphones may be required when using many applications, programs and games.
zip code to complete the transaction correctly.
Email Services: It is not possible to create a personal electronic account without using a zip code, such as Gmail, Hotmail, Yahoo.
Importance of Zip Code
The postal code is of great importance among regions and countries as it provides many services and benefits, including:

Postal code helps determine the volume of exports and imports in a region.
And that through accurate statistics managed by the postal companies.
Ability to locate the nearest distribution center in the region.
Assigning a postal code to each region will help get letters and parcels to the right place.
This is because the names of many areas and neighborhoods can be the same and it is easier and faster to find out the postal code.
Zip code is of great importance when shopping from different shopping websites.
Despite the massive expansion and development in technology, most websites have become dependent on email.
However, many companies and websites still use postal codes.
Like Google Adsense and the other sites we mentioned to you in the previous lines.
Watch here: Egypt Post’s weekend.

In conclusion, we talked about a simple overview of Egypt Post and the importance of knowing the postal code of your area and neighborhood, we told you the most obvious ways to help you quickly determine the postal code of the area. .

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